Jazz guitar,

Gismo Graf, the shooting star of gypsy swing, has by now taken his place among the world's leading guitarists. Urged by an unceasing drive to perfection and continually developing new ideas Gismo proudly presents this year's new album "Modus Vivendi".
Those who followed the steep rise of the 25-year old Stuttgarter might have guessed that this oeuvre is not just another assortment of breakneck variations of Django Reinhardt's music. Gismo succeeds to prove with his latest album that gypsy jazz is much more than just a marginal phenomenon of the jazz scene. Gismo as a young and charismatic interpreter connects gypsy jazz with pop, bossa nova, swing and his own expressive compositions.
Not only through Gismo's albums but even more through his highly celebrated concerts and his appearance at many festivals throughout Europe one realises the full extent of those three musicians' professionalism and virtuosity.
At no point would one think to be witnessing a random sequence of songs. In fact, the trio manages to keep surprising their audience song after song and to captivate them with their stage presence and spirited performance.
Gismo's father and mentor Joschi Graf accompanies Gismo on the rhythm guitar and intrigues with his accurate timing. With his beautiful sonorous voice Joschi adds the finishing touch to some of the trio's songs. The Gismo Graf Trio is complete with Joel Locher on the double-bass who is also a celebrated master musician, and the renowned Jazz bassist Davide Petrocca , former student of the legendary Niels Henning Ørsted Pedersen. Gismo's 22 year old sister Cheyenne joins more often to the quartet and expanded the trio with her beautiful warm voice.
- Jazz Guitar